
发表时间: 2024-03-12 14:32



  1. 使用hg 下载x265源码
  2. 如果电脑之前没有安装过 hg,yasm,nasm 可以使用 brew 安装一下
    brew install hg    brew install yasm    brew install nasm

3.进入到工程 …/x265/build/linux 目录下编译

sh make-Makefiles.bash

可以将其中的 ENABLE_SHARED 开关打开

makemake install


 x265 -o akiyo.265 --fps=24 --input-res=352x288 --input-csp=i420 --input-depth=8 akiyo_cif.yuv


x265 --help


我使用的是vscode + cmake
因为安装的时候将pkgconfig 安装到了这个路径


pkg-config 命令确保,pkgconfig能够搜索到

pkg-config --list-all | grep x265x265                                x265 - H.265/HEVC video encoder


export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

pkgconfig 可以帮助我们简化依赖


yuv 视频源:





cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)project(x265_encoder)set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11)            # Enable c++11 standardset(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug)set(SOURCE_FILES X265Encoder.cpp)# https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/FindPkgConfig.html# https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/111155574find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)pkg_check_modules(x265 REQUIRED IMPORTED_TARGET x265 )add_executable(x265_encoder ${SOURCE_FILES})target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE PkgConfig::x265)
  1. 代码
  2. 粉丝福利, 免费领取C++音视频学习资料包+学习路线大纲、技术视频/代码,内容包括(音视频开发,面试题,FFmpeg ,webRTC ,rtmp ,hls ,rtsp ,ffplay ,编解码,推拉流,srs),有需要的可以进企鹅裙927239107领取哦~
#include <iostream>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <iomanip>#include <x265.h>// https://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020/article/details/42079101int main(int argv, const char *args[]){    FILE *fp_src = fopen("res/akiyo_cif.yuv", "rb");    FILE *fp_dst = fopen("res/akiyo_cif_code.h265", "wb");    // 352x288    int width = 352;    int height = 288;    int csp = X265_CSP_I420;    // 设置为0,会根据文件大小计算帧数    // 如果帧数设置的太小,可能会造成没有编码后的结果    int frameNum = 0;    if (fp_src && fp_dst)    {        x265_param *pParam = x265_param_alloc();        // 设置参数        x265_param_default(pParam);        pParam->bRepeatHeaders = 1;        pParam->internalCsp = csp;        pParam->sourceWidth = width;        pParam->sourceHeight = height;        pParam->fpsNum = 24;        pParam->fpsDenom = 1;        // 打开编码器        x265_encoder *pHander = x265_encoder_open(pParam);        if (pHander == nullptr)        {            std::cout << "open encoder error." << std::endl;            return -1;        }        int ySize = width * height;        // 根据资源的大小设置的尺寸        x265_picture *pPic_in = x265_picture_alloc();        x265_picture_init(pParam, pPic_in);        char * buff = nullptr;        switch (csp)        {        case X265_CSP_I420:            buff = new char[ySize * 3];            pPic_in -> planes[0] = buff;            pPic_in -> planes[1] = buff + ySize;            pPic_in -> planes[2] = buff + ySize* 5 /4;            pPic_in -> stride[0] = width;            pPic_in -> stride[1] = width/2;            pPic_in -> stride[2] = width/2;            break;                default:            break;        }        // 计算帧数        if (frameNum == 0)        {            switch (csp)            {            case X265_CSP_I420:                fseek(fp_src, 0, SEEK_END);                frameNum = ftell(fp_src) / (ySize * 3 / 2);                fseek(fp_src, 0, SEEK_SET);                break;            default:                std::cout << "Colorespace are not support." << std::endl;                return -1;            }        }        x265_nal *pNals = nullptr;        uint32_t iNal = 0;        // Loop to encode        for (int i = 0; i < frameNum; i++)        {            switch (csp)            {            case X265_CSP_I420:                // https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fseek/                fread(pPic_in->planes[0], ySize, 1, fp_src);     // Y                fread(pPic_in->planes[1], ySize / 4, 1, fp_src); // U                fread(pPic_in->planes[2], ySize / 4, 1, fp_src); // V                break;            default:                std::cout << "Coloresapce are not support." << std::endl;                return -1;            }            // PTS VS DTS            // https://bitmovin.com/docs/encoding/faqs/why-is-an-timestamp-offset-for-ts-muxings-applied-by-default            // pPic_in->i_pts = i;            int ret = x265_encoder_encode(pHander, &pNals, &iNal, pPic_in,nullptr);            if (ret < 0)            {                std::cout << "Error encode." << std::endl;                return -1;            }            std::cout << "success encode frame" << std::setw(5) << i << std::endl;            for (int j = 0; j < iNal; j++)            {                std::cout << "write nal to file" << std::setw(5) << j << std::endl;                fwrite(pNals[j].payload, 1, pNals[j].sizeBytes, fp_dst);            }        }        std::cout << "to flush" << std::endl;        // flush        while (true)        {            int ret = x265_encoder_encode(pHander, &pNals, &iNal, pPic_in,nullptr);            if (ret == 0)            {                break;            }            else if (ret < 0)            {                std::cout << "Error encode ." << std::endl;                break;            }            else            {                std::cout << "Flush 1 frame." << std::endl;                for (int j = 0; j < iNal; j++)                {                    fwrite(pNals[j].payload, 1, pNals[j].sizeBytes, fp_dst);                }                break;            }        }        // clean        std::cout << "to clean resource" << std::endl;        x265_encoder_close(pHander);        x265_picture_free(pPic_in);        x265_param_free(pParam);        delete[] buff;        pHander = nullptr;        fclose(fp_src);        fclose(fp_dst);        return 0;    }    else    {        char *buffer;        if ((buffer = getcwd(nullptr, 0)) == nullptr)        {            std::cout << "get cwd error." << std::endl;            free(buffer);        }        else        {            std::cout << "Error open files. "                      << "the current dir is "                      << buffer                      << std::endl                      << "The fpSrc is"                      << fp_src                      << "the fpDst is "                      << fp_dst                      << std::endl;        }        return -1;    }}