
发表时间: 2023-11-16 20:28

微软在最近举行的全球技术大会上发布了两款自研芯片:Microsoft Azure Maia和Microsoft Azure Cobalt。前者是一款AI加速器芯片,可以为OpenAI模型、Bing、GitHub Copilot和 ChatGPT等AI工作负载运行云端训练和推理。后者则是基于Arm架构的云原生芯片,专门针对通用工作负载的性能、功率和成本效益进行了优化。微软还表示将与芯片供应商合作,为客户提供基础设施选项。此外,微软还推出了Azure Boost系统,可将存储和网络进程从主机服务器转移到专用硬件和软件上,从而提高存储和网络速度。微软还在Azure智能云中添加了AMD MI300X加速虚拟机,旨在加速AI工作负载的处理。同时,全新NC H100 v5虚拟机系列也将开放预览,为英伟达H100 Tensor Core GPU打造,提高大中型AI训练和生成式推理的性能、可靠性和效率。

对于微软来说,这些创新的技术将有助于开发更高效、更快速、更节省成本的解决方案。尽管这些技术的应用范围还有待进一步开发和推广,但未来将会为人工智能的发展带来更多的机会和挑战。你认为这些技术创新和芯片的加速能力,会给AI带来怎样的变革和进步?微软推出了一系列人工智能优化方案,其中包括新的ND H200 v5虚拟机系列,它配备了英伟达H200 Tensor Core GPU,可用于生成式AI模型的开发。此外,微软还发布了模型即服务功能,可让专业开发者将最新的AI模型集成到他们的应用当中。Azure AI Studio预览版也已推出,企业可以在一个地方更轻松地探索、构建、测试和部署AI应用程序。另外,Azure AI Search的功能Vector Search现在已正式商用,可为每个用户带来高精准度的体验。

GPT-3.5 Turbo模型将正式商用,而GPT-4 Turbo将于2023年11月底在Azure OpenAI服务中公开预览,从而为生成式AI应用带来更多控制和效率。这些新技术的推出将进一步推动人工智能的发展,同时为企业提供更加便捷、高效的开发和应用平台。未来,随着人工智能技术的不断发展,我们期待看到更多创新性的应用场景。如果您正在使用人工智能技术,您认为它会如何改变我们的未来?GPT-4 Turbo with Vision和DALLE·3是微软推出的两款重要的人工智能解决方案,它们将为企业带来更高级的功能和创造力。GPT-4 Turbo with Vision结合了图像和文本生成的能力,可以通过理解视频并生成文本输出,进一步提升人类的创造力。而DALLE·3是一个开放预览版本,可以在Azure Open AI服务中使用,为企业提供图像处理能力。

此外,在Microsoft Ignite全球技术大会上,微软还发布了Microsoft 365 Copilot的新增功能。其中,Microsoft Copilot Studio是一个低代码工具,旨在通过集成关键业务数据来定制Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365,为企业内部和外部构建定制的Copilot。这样,企业可以根据自己的数据和工作流程来定制Copilot,提高工作效率。另一个新增功能是Microsoft Copilot for Service,它是针对客户服务的AI转型而设计的。通过使用Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365,企业可以利用生成式AI扩展现有的联络中心。客服人员可以通过自然语言向Copilot for Service提问,并从知识库中获得基于数据源的相关洞察,以更快、更智能地解决问题。

总的来说,微软的GPT-4 Turbo with Vision和DALLE·3以及Microsoft 365 Copilot的新增功能,为企业提供了更多的人工智能解决方案。这将帮助企业实现更高级的功能和创造力,提高工作效率,并加快客户服务的AI转型。对于企业来说,这些新技术的应用将带来更多的机会和竞争优势。那么,你对于企业中人工智能解决方案的发展有何看法?你认为这些新技术对企业的影响会是怎样的?欢迎留言分享你的观点和建议。

Copilot in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides: A Revolutionary Tool for Enhanced Productivity and Problem-solvingHave you ever wondered if there could be a way to complete complex tasks and solve problems faster without disrupting your workflow Well, the answer lies in Copilot, a groundbreaking innovation that combines generative AI and mixed reality capabilities. This cutting-edge tool is designed t

o assist frontline professionals in various industries, enabling them to accomplish tasks with greater efficiency.The first application of Copilot will be on the HoloLens 2, a futuristic device that integrates natural language processing and human gestures. With Copilot, service industry professionals can receive interactive guidance through the overlay of content and holograms on their devices.

This means that they can seamlessly navigate through instructions while performing their tasks, resulting in a significant boost in productivity.But Copilot doesn't stop there. Microsoft has also developed Copilot for Azure, an AI-powered companion specifically designed for IT professionals. This versatile tool not only simplifies daily IT management but also provides a unified chat experience.

By understanding the user's role and goals, Copilot for Azure enhances the ability to design, operate, and troubleshoot applications and infrastructure.Imagine having an assistant that not only assists with routine IT tasks but also deepens your understanding of your usage patterns. Copilot for Azure enables IT teams to unleash the full potential of Azure capabilities and coordinate tasks both

in the cloud and at the edge. With this powerful tool at their disposal, IT professionals can streamline their operations and effectively tackle any challenges that come their way.In other Microsoft news, the company's stock price has reached a historic high. As of November 15th, Microsoft (MSFT) closed at 9.67, with a market capitalization of .7 trillion. This achievement reflects Microsof

t's ongoing success and the market's recognition of its innovative solutions.It is important to note that the information provided in this article is for reference purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Readers are advised to verify the data and exercise caution when making investment decisions.In conclusion, Copilot in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides is a game-changer for fron

tline professionals and IT teams alike. By leveraging the power of generative AI and mixed reality, Copilot empowers users to complete complex tasks more efficiently. With the introduction of Copilot for Azure, IT professionals can enhance their productivity, gain insights into their usage patterns, and optimize their operations.Now, the question remains: How do you envision the future of AI-pow

ered tools like Copilot in various industries Share your thoughts and insights below!
