当发起“select * from XXX”时,数据会加载到操作系统缓存然后才到shared buffer。PostgreSQL缓存读顺序share_buffers -> 操作系统缓存 -> 硬盘。同样当将脏页向磁盘刷写时,也是先到操作系统缓存,然后由操作系统调用fsync()将操作系统缓存中数据持久化到磁盘。这样PG实际上由两份数据,看起来有些浪费空间,但是操作系统缓存是一个简单的LRU而不是数据库优化的clock sweep algorithm。一旦在shared_buffers中命中,那么读就不会下沉到操作系统缓存。如果shared buffer和操作系统缓存有相同页,操作系统缓存中的页很快会被驱逐替换。
不仅仅是bgwriter,即使checkpoint进程和用户进程也从shared buffer刷写脏页到OS cache。可以通过checkpoint_flush_after影响checkpoint进程的fsync,通过backend_flush_after影响后台进程的fsync。
1.1 pg_buffercache的部署
cd /home/postgres/postgresql-13.3/contrib/pg_buffercachegmake && gmake installpsql -c 'create extension pg_buffercache;'
1.2 pg_buffercache的使用
pg_buffercache 主要是用来查看pgsql数据库 shared_pool 的使用情况
select name,setting,unit,current_setting(name) from pg_settings where 1 = 1 and name = 'shared_buffers'; name | setting | unit | current_setting ----------------+---------+------+----------------- shared_buffers | 16384 | 8kB | 128MB(1 row)
select d.datname, c.relname, c.relkind, count(*) as buffersfrom pg_class cinner join pg_buffercache b on b.relfilenode = c.relfilenodeinner join pg_database d on (b.reldatabase = d.oid and d.datname = current_database())where 1 = 1group by d.datname, c.relname, c.relkindorder by d.datname, 4 desc ; datname | relname | relkind | buffers ----------+-----------------------------------------------+---------+--------- postgres | tmp_t0 | r | 16150 postgres | pg_operator | r | 14 postgres | pg_depend_reference_index | i | 11 postgres | pg_statistic | r | 10 postgres | pg_depend | r | 8 postgres | pg_rewrite | r | 7 postgres | pg_toast_2619 | t | 7 postgres | pg_init_privs | r | 5 postgres | pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index | i | 5 postgres | pg_amop | r | 5 postgres | pg_depend_depender_index | i | 5 postgres | pg_index | r | 4 postgres | pg_amop_fam_strat_index | i | 3 postgres | pg_operator_oid_index | i | 3 postgres | pg_amproc_fam_proc_index | i | 3 postgres | pg_amop_opr_fam_index | i | 3 postgres | pg_namespace_oid_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_aggregate_fnoid_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_cast | r | 2 postgres | pg_cast_source_target_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_description_o_c_o_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_index_indexrelid_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_index_indrelid_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_namespace | r | 2 postgres | pg_namespace_nspname_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_opclass | r | 2 postgres | pg_opclass_am_name_nsp_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_opclass_oid_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_rewrite_oid_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_rewrite_rel_rulename_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_toast_2619_index | i | 2 postgres | pg_extension | r | 1 postgres | pg_am | r | 1 postgres | pg_aggregate | r | 1 postgres | pg_amproc | r | 1 postgres | pg_description | r | 1 postgres | pg_statistic_ext_relid_index | i | 1 postgres | pg_init_privs_o_c_o_index | i | 1 postgres | pg_extension_oid_index | i | 1 postgres | pg_extension_name_index | i | 1(42 rows)
pg_prewarm 它可以用于在系统重启时,手动加载经常访问的表到操作系统的cache或PG的shared buffer,从而减少检查系统重启对应用的影响。
2.1 pg_prewarm 函数
CREATE FUNCTION pg_prewarm(regclass, mode text default 'buffer', fork text default 'main', first_block int8 default null, last_block int8 default null)RETURNS int8AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_prewarm'LANGUAGE C
备注: regclass 参数为数据库对像,通常情况为表名; modex 参数指加载模式,可选项有 ‘prefetch’, ‘read’,’buffer’, 默认为 ‘buffer’ 具体稍后介绍; fork 表示对像模式,可选项有 ‘main’, ‘fsm’, ‘vm’, 默认为 ‘main’, first_block 表示开始prewarm的数据块,last_block 表示最后 prewarm 的数据块.
pg_prewarm 加载模式
mode 参数指加载模式,可选项有 ‘prefetch’, ‘read’,’buffer’, 默认为 ‘buffer’.
prefetch: 异步地将数据预加载到操作系统缓存;
read: 最终结果和 prefetch 一样,但它是同步方式,支持所有平台.
buffer: 将数据预加载到数据库缓存
2.2 pg_prewarm的部署
psql -c 'create EXTENSION pg_prewarm;'
2.3 pg_prewarm的演示
先将PG的shared buffer设为128M,OS总的memory有8G。然后创建下面的大小近1G的表test:
postgres=# create table tmp_t0 ( id int8,name varchar(100),memo1 varchar(200),memo2 varchar(200));CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into tmp_t0 select id,md5(id::varchar),md5(md5(id::varchar)),md5(md5(md5(id::varchar))) from generate_series(1,10000000) as id;INSERT 0 10000000
在每次都清掉操作系统cache和PG的shared buffer的情况下,分别测试下面几种场景:
不进行pg_prewarm的情况:postgres=# \d tmp_t0 Table 'public.tmp_t0' Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------+------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- id | bigint | | | name | character varying(100) | | | memo1 | character varying(200) | | | memo2 | character varying(200) | | | postgres=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('tmp_t0')); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 1347 MB(1 row)postgres=# explain analyze select count(*) from tmp_t0; QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate (cost=225497.55..225497.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=1291.463..1292.254 rows=1 loops=1) -> Gather (cost=225497.33..225497.54 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=1291.353..1292.247 rows=3 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=224497.33..224497.34 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=1286.237..1286.238 rows=1 loops=3) -> Parallel Seq Scan on tmp_t0 (cost=0.00..214080.67 rows=4166667 width=0) (actual time=6.579..1137.312 rows=3333333 loops=3) Planning Time: 0.214 ms Execution Time: 1292.363 ms(8 rows)可以看到,近1G的表,全表扫描一遍,耗时1.2spostgres=# select pg_prewarm('tmp_t0', 'read', 'main'); pg_prewarm ------------ 172414(1 row)postgres=# explain analyze select count(*) from tmp_t0; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate (cost=225497.55..225497.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=437.033..437.697 rows=1 loops=1) -> Gather (cost=225497.33..225497.54 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=436.866..437.689 rows=3 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=224497.33..224497.34 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=434.013..434.014 rows=1 loops=3) -> Parallel Seq Scan on tmp_t0 (cost=0.00..214080.67 rows=4166667 width=0) (actual time=0.039..305.793 rows=3333333 loops=3) Planning Time: 0.083 ms Execution Time: 437.726 ms(8 rows)时间降至4秒多!这时反复执行全表扫描,时间稳定在0.4秒多。尝试buffer模式:postgres=# select pg_prewarm('tmp_t0', 'buffer', 'main'); pg_prewarm ------------ 172414(1 row)postgres=# explain analyze select count(*) from tmp_t0; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate (cost=225497.55..225497.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=480.060..482.189 rows=1 loops=1) -> Gather (cost=225497.33..225497.54 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=479.862..482.180 rows=3 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=224497.33..224497.34 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=475.604..475.605 rows=1 loops=3) -> Parallel Seq Scan on tmp_t0 (cost=0.00..214080.67 rows=4166667 width=0) (actual time=0.035..336.157 rows=3333333 loops=3) Planning Time: 0.068 ms Execution Time: 482.220 ms(8 rows)比read模式时间略少,但相差不大。可见,如果操作系统的cache够大,数据取到OS cache还是shared buffer对执行时间影响不大(在不考虑其他应用影响PG的情况下)尝试prefetch模式,即异步预取。这里,有意在pg_prewarm返回后,立即执行全表查询。这样在执行全表查询时,可能之前的预取还没完成,从而使全表查询和预取并发进行,缩短了总的响应时间:postgres=# select pg_prewarm('tmp_t0', 'prefetch', 'main'); pg_prewarm ------------ 172414(1 row)postgres=# explain analyze select count(*) from tmp_t0; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate (cost=225497.55..225497.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=434.313..436.782 rows=1 loops=1) -> Gather (cost=225497.33..225497.54 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=434.155..436.774 rows=3 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=224497.33..224497.34 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=431.066..431.067 rows=1 loops=3) -> Parallel Seq Scan on tmp_t0 (cost=0.00..214080.67 rows=4166667 width=0) (actual time=0.034..307.687 rows=3333333 loops=3) Planning Time: 0.061 ms Execution Time: 436.816 ms(8 rows)可以看到,总的完成时间是0.4秒多,使用pg_prewarm做预取大大缩短了总时间。因此在进行全表扫描前,做一次异步的prewarm,不失为一种优化全表查询的方法。问题点:执行1次select * from 不就可以将表的数据读入shared buffer和OS cache而实现预热了吗?岂不是比做这样一个插件更简单?实际上,对于较大的表(大小超过shared buff的1/4),进行全表扫描时,PG认为没必要为这种操作使用所有shared buffer,只会让其使用很少的一部分buffer,一般只有几百K,所以,预热大表是不能用一个查询直接实现的详情可以阅读:https://github.com/postgres/postgres/tree/17792bfc5b62f42a9dfbd2ac408e7e71c239330a/src/backend/storage/buffer
这是一种将数据库表,索引CACHE到OS层面的缓存里,只要内存足够大,可以将需要的数据都CACHE到OS 内存中,这极到的提高了应用的处理速度。
3.1 pgfincore函数
pgsysconf –查看操作系统CACHE情况pgsysconf_pretty –查看操作系统CACHE情况pgfincore –查看对象(表,索引)CACHE情况pgfadvise_willneed –将数据库对象(表,索引)载入OS CACHEpgfadvise_dontneed –将数据库对象(表,索引)刷出OS CACHEpgfadvise_normal –将数据库对象(表,索引)修改为普通内存方式pgfadvise_loader -将数据库对象(表,索引)自定义载入OS CACHE
relpath : the relation pathblock_size : the size of one block disk?block_disk : the total number of file system blocks of the relationblock_mem : the total number of file system blocks of the relation in buffer cache. (not the shared buffers from PostgreSQL but the OS cache)group_mem : the number of groups of adjacent block_mem
3.2 pgfincore部署
make cleanmakesumake install
For PostgreSQL >= 9.1, log in your database and:
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgfincore;
For other release, create the functions from the sql script (it should be in your contrib directory):
psql mydb -f pgfincore.sql
3.3 pgfincore的演示
它分为三个函数,参数分别为(relname, fork, getdatabit),(relname, getdatabit),(relname),三个参数意思为对象名,进程名(这个地方默认是main),是否要显示databit(很长,注意显示),第一个函数需要全部输入,第二个函数默认fork为main,第三个函数默认fork为main,getdatabit为false。
它输出的是文件位置及名称(relpath),文件顺序(segment),OS page或block大小(os_page_size),对象占用系统缓存需要的页面个数(rel_os_pages),对象已经占用缓存页面个数(pages_mem),在缓存中连续的页面组的个数(group_mem),OS剩余的page数(os_pages_free),加载信息的位图(databit)。
postgres=# select * from pgfincore ('tmp_t0'); relpath | segment | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | pages_mem | group_mem | os_pages_free | databit | pages_dirty | group_dirty --------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+---------------+---------+-------------+------------- base/13580/16426 | 0 | 4096 | 262144 | 0 | 0 | 1899395 | | 0 | 0 base/13580/16426.1 | 1 | 4096 | 82684 | 0 | 0 | 1899395 | | 0 | 0(2 rows)postgres=# select * from pgfincore('tmp_t0', false); relpath | segment | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | pages_mem | group_mem | os_pages_free | databit | pages_dirty | group_dirty --------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+---------------+---------+-------------+------------- base/13580/16426 | 0 | 4096 | 262144 | 262144 | 1 | 1553850 | | 0 | 0 base/13580/16426.1 | 1 | 4096 | 82684 | 82684 | 1 | 1553850 | | 0 | 0(2 rows)postgres=# select * from pgfincore ('tmp_t0', 'main', false); relpath | segment | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | pages_mem | group_mem | os_pages_free | databit | pages_dirty | group_dirty --------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+---------------+---------+-------------+------------- base/13580/16426 | 0 | 4096 | 262144 | 262144 | 1 | 1553819 | | 0 | 0 base/13580/16426.1 | 1 | 4096 | 82684 | 82684 | 1 | 1553819 | | 0 | 0(2 rows)
查询当前操作系统的块大小,剩余多少可用的CACHE(块)。输出OS block的大小(os_page_size),OS中剩余的page数(os_pages_free)和OS拥有的page总数(os_total_pages)。postgres=# select * from pgsysconf(); os_page_size | os_pages_free | os_total_pages --------------+---------------+---------------- 4096 | 1899465 | 1997514(1 row)postgres=# select * from pgsysconf_pretty(); os_page_size | os_pages_free | os_total_pages --------------+---------------+---------------- 4096 bytes | 6070 MB | 7803 MB(1 row)
将数据库对象(表,索引)载入OS CACHE输出文件名(relpath),OS block大小(os_page_size),对象占用系统page数(rel_os_pages),OS剩余的page数(os_pages_free)postgres=# select * from pgfadvise_willneed('tmp_t0'); relpath | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | os_pages_free --------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------- base/13580/16426 | 4096 | 262144 | 1637008 base/13580/16426.1 | 4096 | 82684 | 1554178(2 rows)postgres=# select * from pgfincore ('tmp_t0'); relpath | segment | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | pages_mem | group_mem | os_pages_free | databit | pages_dirty | group_dirty --------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+---------------+---------+-------------+------------- base/13580/16426 | 0 | 4096 | 262144 | 262144 | 1 | 1553945 | | 0 | 0 base/13580/16426.1 | 1 | 4096 | 82684 | 82684 | 1 | 1553945 | | 0 | 0(2 rows)
将数据库对象(表,索引)刷出OS CACHE对当前对象设置dontneed标记。dontneed标记的意思就是当操作系统需要释放内存时优先释放标记为dontneed的pages。postgres=# select * from pgfadvise_dontneed('tmp_t0'); relpath | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | os_pages_free --------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------- base/13580/16426 | 4096 | 262144 | 1816091 base/13580/16426.1 | 4096 | 82684 | 1898771(2 rows)postgres=# select * from pgfincore ('tmp_t0'); relpath | segment | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | pages_mem | group_mem | os_pages_free | databit | pages_dirty | group_dirty --------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+---------------+---------+-------------+------------- base/13580/16426 | 0 | 4096 | 262144 | 0 | 0 | 1899411 | | 0 | 0 base/13580/16426.1 | 1 | 4096 | 82684 | 0 | 0 | 1899411 | | 0 | 0
使用普通内存方式,再pgfadv_dontneed方式刷出对象后,建议执行这个函数,将内存方式改为普通方式这里的pgfadvise主要调用了Linux下的函数posix_fadvise,标记值也是posix_fadvise所需要的。 postgres=# select * from pgfadvise_normal('tmp_t0'); relpath | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | os_pages_free --------------------+--------------+--------------+--------------- base/13580/16426 | 4096 | 262144 | 1899337 base/13580/16426.1 | 4096 | 82684 | 1899337(2 rows)postgres=# select * from pgfincore ('tmp_t0'); relpath | segment | os_page_size | rel_os_pages | pages_mem | group_mem | os_pages_free | databit | pages_dirty | group_dirty --------------------+---------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+---------------+---------+-------------+------------- base/13580/16426 | 0 | 4096 | 262144 | 0 | 0 | 1899356 | | 0 | 0 base/13580/16426.1 | 1 | 4096 | 82684 | 0 | 0 | 1899356 | | 0 | 0
可以对页面缓存直接进行两方面的作用。因此,它能通过页面的位图在缓存中来对页面进行加载或卸载。它分为两个函数和上边的类似,就是设置缺省值,的输入参数是(relname, fork, segment, load, unload, databit)和(relname, segment, load, unload, databit),分别是对象名,文件分支名,文件序号,是否加载,是否卸载,位图信息。第二个函数默认fork为main。它输出的是物理文件名及path(relpath),OS page或block大小(os_page_size), OS中剩余的page数(os_pages_free),加载的page数(pages_load),卸载的page数(pages_unload)postgres=# select * from pgfadvise_loader('tmp_t0', 0, false, true, B'1100'); relpath | os_page_size | os_pages_free | pages_loaded | pages_unloaded ------------------+--------------+---------------+--------------+---------------- base/13580/16426 | 4096 | 1899322 | 0 | 2postgres=# select * from pgfadvise_loader('tmp_t0', 0, true, false, B'1100'); relpath | os_page_size | os_pages_free | pages_loaded | pages_unloaded ------------------+--------------+---------------+--------------+---------------- base/13580/16426 | 4096 | 1899287 | 2 | 0(1 row)postgres=# select * from pgfadvise_loader('tmp_t0', 0, true, true, B'1100'); relpath | os_page_size | os_pages_free | pages_loaded | pages_unloaded ------------------+--------------+---------------+--------------+---------------- base/13580/16426 | 4096 | 1899391 | 2 | 2(1 row)
DropDatabaseBuffers函数将移除所有的buffer cache。但是要注意得一点是脏页只是被简单的丢弃了,没有先写入磁盘,该操作风险极大。
4.1 pg_dropcache的部署
To install pg_dropcache clone this repository and run:
make install USE_PGXS=1
Then in psql (or any other client) execute:
create extension pg_dropcache;
pg_dropcache is a PostgreSQL extension that invalidates shared_buffers cache
4.2 pg_dropcache的演示
postgres=# select pg_prewarm('tmp_t0', 'buffer', 'main'); pg_prewarm ------------ 172414(1 row)postgres=# SELECT c.relname, pg_size_pretty(count(*) * 8192) as buffered, round(100.0 * count(*) / (SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name='shared_buffers')::integer, 1) AS buffer_percent, round(100.0 * count(*) * 8192 / pg_table_size(c.oid), 1) AS percent_of_relation FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_buffercache b ON b.relfilenode = c.relfilenode INNER JOIN pg_database d ON (b.reldatabase = d.oid AND d.datname = current_database()) GROUP BY c.oid, c.relname ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 10; relname | buffered | buffer_percent | percent_of_relation -----------------------------------------------+------------+----------------+--------------------- tmp_t0 | 128 MB | 100.0 | 9.5 pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index | 8192 bytes | 0.0 | 50.0(2 rows)postgres=# explain (buffers true, timing true, analyze true )select count(*) from tmp_t0; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate (cost=225497.55..225497.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=483.540..484.797 rows=1 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=16219 read=156195 -> Gather (cost=225497.33..225497.54 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=483.376..484.791 rows=3 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 Buffers: shared hit=16219 read=156195 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=224497.33..224497.34 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=470.719..470.720 rows=1 loops=3) Buffers: shared hit=16219 read=156195 -> Parallel Seq Scan on tmp_t0 (cost=0.00..214080.67 rows=4166667 width=0) (actual time=0.025..318.750 rows=3333333 loops=3) Buffers: shared hit=16219 read=156195 Planning Time: 0.037 ms Execution Time: 484.819 ms(12 rows)postgres=# select pg_dropcache(); pg_dropcache -------------- (1 row)postgres=# explain (buffers true, timing true, analyze true )select count(*) from tmp_t0; QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finalize Aggregate (cost=225497.55..225497.56 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=985.393..990.863 rows=1 loops=1) Buffers: shared hit=96 read=172318 -> Gather (cost=225497.33..225497.54 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=985.216..990.856 rows=3 loops=1) Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 Buffers: shared hit=96 read=172318 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=224497.33..224497.34 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=965.922..965.923 rows=1 loops=3) Buffers: shared hit=96 read=172318 -> Parallel Seq Scan on tmp_t0 (cost=0.00..214080.67 rows=4166667 width=0) (actual time=0.102..796.406 rows=3333333 loops=3) Buffers: shared hit=96 read=172318 Planning Time: 0.036 ms Execution Time: 990.888 ms(12 rows)postgres=# SELECT c.relname, pg_size_pretty(count(*) * 8192) as buffered, round(100.0 * count(*) / (SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name='shared_buffers')::integer, 1) AS buffer_percent, round(100.0 * count(*) * 8192 / pg_table_size(c.oid), 1) AS percent_of_relation FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_buffercache b ON b.relfilenode = c.relfilenode INNER JOIN pg_database d ON (b.reldatabase = d.oid AND d.datname = current_database()) GROUP BY c.oid, c.relname ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 10; relname | buffered | buffer_percent | percent_of_relation ---------------------------+------------+----------------+--------------------- tmp_t0 | 768 kB | 0.6 | 0.1 pg_am | 8192 bytes | 0.0 | 100.0 pg_amproc | 8192 bytes | 0.0 | 25.0 pg_index | 16 kB | 0.0 | 50.0 pg_namespace | 8192 bytes | 0.0 | 50.0 pg_opclass | 8192 bytes | 0.0 | 50.0 pg_aggregate_fnoid_index | 16 kB | 0.0 | 100.0 pg_amproc_fam_proc_index | 24 kB | 0.0 | 75.0 pg_aggregate | 8192 bytes | 0.0 | 33.3 pg_index_indexrelid_index | 16 kB | 0.0 | 100.0(10 rows)
pg_buffercache 既使用自身的缓冲区,也使用内核缓冲IO。这意味着数据会在内存中存储两次,首先是存入PostgreSQL缓冲区,然后是内核缓冲区。这被称为双重缓冲区处理。pg_prewarm 直接利用系统缓存的代码,对操作系统发出异步prefetch请求,在应用中,尤其在OLAP的情况下,对于大表的分析等等是非常耗费查询的时间的,而即使我们使用select table的方式,这张表也并不可能将所有的数据都装载到内存中,而pg_prewarm的功能就是完成一个张表全部进入到内存中的功能。pgfincore 主要是利用 POSIX 的 posix_fadvise 函数,pgfadvise_loader_file 中可以看到它的调用,支持两种模式:POSIX_FADV_WILLNEED与POSIX_FADV_DONTNEEDpg_dropcache 注意事项为脏页将被丢弃,因此它们不会被刷新到磁盘上,建议生产上慎用。