一:psql 错误记录
Q1:FATAL: password authentication failed for user “postgres”致命:用户“postgres”的密码验证失败
FATAL: could not map anonymous shared memory: Cannot allocate memory
HINT: This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded available memory, swap space, or huge pages. To reduce the request size (currently 8924045312 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared memory usage, perhaps by reducing shared_buffers or max_connections.
grep shared_buffers postgresql.conf
shared_buffers = 128MB # min 128kB
#wal_buffers = -1 # min 32kB, -1 sets based on shared_buffers
shared_buffers = 819MB
psql: FATAL: could not access file "$libdir/plugins/rds_extension_list": No such file or directory
FATAL: data directory "/data/game3" has group or world access
DETAIL: Permissions should be u=rwx (0700).
chmod 0700 game3
##切换用户 postgres 管理用户
su postgres
1.查看数据库用户列表: \du
2.创建数据库用户: create user user1 with password '123456';
3.删除数据库用户: drop user root
1.查看数据库列表: \l (list的意思)
2.创建数据库: create database db1;
3.删除数据库: drop database root
创建和删除 数据库表
1.选择数据库: \c DatabaseName (choose的意思)
2.创建数据库表: create table people;
3.删除数据库表: drop table root
4.查看数据库信息:\d (database list的意思)
#查表 \d
psql -U user01 -d dolphinscheduler -h
CREATE TABLE subjects (id int,name varchar(255),age int,sex int,address varchar(255))
INSERT INTO subjects VALUES(1,'dr3dwdwam',13,3,'Benling');
select * from subjects;
psql -c "select * from game_monitor;" "host= hostaddr= port=5432 user=aoagm password=aoa#psql dbname=heros_user"
num=`psql -c "select * from game_monitor where status !=0;" "host= hostaddr= port=5432 user=aoagm password=aoa#psql dbname=heros_user"|grep -v -E "rows|key_monitor|+|-"`
echo $num
psql -c "select status from game_monitor where status!=0;" "host= hostaddr= port=5432 user=aoagm password=aoa#psql dbname=heros_user"|grep -v -E "rows|status|-"
psql -c "SELECT client_ip FROM user_info WHERE create_date BETWEEN (select date_trunc('day',now()) -interval '1d') and (select date_trunc('day',now()))" "host= hostaddr= port=5432 user=aoagm password=aoa#psql dbname=heros_user"
#save to num
num=`psql -c "SELECT client_ip FROM user_info WHERE create_date BETWEEN (select date_trunc('day',now()) -interval '1d') and (select date_trunc('day',now()))" "host= hostaddr=10.3.1
.36 port=5432 user=aoagm password=aoa#psql dbname=heros_user"|wc -l`
#save to file
psql -c "SELECT client_ip FROM user_info WHERE create_date BETWEEN (select date_trunc('day',now()) -interval '1d') and (select date_trunc('day',now()))" "host= hostaddr= p
ort=5432 user=aoagm password=aoa#psql dbname=heros_user" > ip.txt
echo $num
wc -l ip.txt