
发表时间: 2022-05-17 17:44

10th ICICN 2022 | 信息,通信与网络国际会议 自2013年创办以来,已成功举办于西安,线上,澳门,吉隆坡,曼谷等地。 是一个专注于信息,通信,网络技术的新理论研究及其应用的国际盛会。为行业内技术及相关研究领域的专家,学者,科学家交流新的研究成果,探讨科研学术发展方向提供一个广泛的交流的温暖小窝。


Track 1: Optical Communications and Networks

Track 2: Space Communications, Navigation and Tracking

Track 3: Application of Machine Learning in Image Processing

Track 4: Wireless Communication

Track 5: Orbital Angular Momentum Communication

Track 6: Underwater Communication

Track 7: Network Security

Track 8: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Track 9: Ultrafast Photonics

Track 10: Optoelectronic Devices

Track 11: Optical Sensors

Track 12: Advanced Optical Imaging (AOI)

Track 13: Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE)

Track 14: Novel Optoelectronic Materials and the applications

Track 15: Fiber-based Devices and Applications

Track 16: Micro/nano-photonic Device and All Optical Signal Processing

Track 17: Quantum Information and Related Quantum Technologies

Track 18: Intelligence Optimization and Scheduling

Track 19: Network Intelligent Information Processing

Track 20: Wireless Network

Track 21: Visible Light Communication and Positioning

Track 22: Neuromorphic Optics

Track 23: Fiber Photonics Technology

Track 24: Hybrid Networks and Communication Technologies

Workshop of Nanophotonics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (Dunhuang)

Workshop of Pre-training Model for Natural Language Processing (Dunhuang)

Workshop of Advances in Biomedical Optics and optical imaging applications (Dunhuang)